May 13, 2020 Digital Image Competition
We had 100 entries from 15 makers. The breakdown is as follows:
37 Portraits
39 Illustrative
5 Wedding
3 Commercial
3 Creative Open
13 Artist
7 B&W from the above categories.
The judges discussed many of the images as Challenges. This is where we learn the most from the judges’ opinions.
We had 36 that scored 80 or above (President’s Award) 36%.
We had 5 that scored 85 – 89, and 2 scored 90 - 95.
I want to thank John Tulipano for running the whole online session and to Michael Novo for helping with the sorting process.
Thanks to the judges. They were Robert Hawkins (Iowa), Thom Rouse and Michael Barton.
Bruce Van Pelt, Chairman
Best of Show
“Shy” by Laura Dajoraite
Best Black & White
“What’s to Come” by Carrie White
Best Artist
“A Barred Owl” by Peggy Sue Seehafer
Runner’s Up
“The Lion King” by Peggy Sue Seehafer
“Ancient Breed, Contemporary Companion” by Peggy Sue Seehafer
Best Portrait
“Shy” by Laura Dajoraite
Runner’s Up
“Best Friends” by Peggy Sue Seehafer
“Mulan Rouge” by Scott Detweiler
“Fallen Beauty” by Scott Detweiler
Best Illustrative
“Grace” by Sonya Gilbert
Runner’s Up
“Toy Antoinette” by Scott Detweiler
“English Old Master Hunter” by Peggy Sue Seehafer
Best Wedding
“Iron Embrace” by Michael Novo
Runner’s Up
“What’s to Come” by Carrie White
“Last Dance” by Michael Novo
Best Commercial
“Cloudgate” by Michael Novo
Runner’s Up
“Quiet Reflection” by Erica Watson
Best Creative Open
“Enchanted Twilight Ride” by Brandi Orlando
BVP 5/13/2020