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  • 17 Oct 2017 4:12 PM | Beth Genengels

    Applications for the Jennifer Buckman scholarship are due by November 8th. Please send them to Beth Genengels, or mail to:


    c/o Beth Genengels Photography

    4105 W. Crystal Lake Rd

    McHenry, IL 60050

    You can find the application under member resources, here. Remember, you must be logged into your account to view the member only resources.

    The scholarship awards up to $600 towards PPA or PPA Affiliate education.

    Bruce Van Pelt pulled the following from the December 2007 Hi-lites. We would like to share a little bit about the family who initiated the fund.

    -Beth Genengels

    On November 16, 2007 Jennifer Buckman, passed away from injuries sustained in a single car accident near Morton, IL.

    Jennifer’s parents, Bonnie and Rob, and her sister Jaimie were overwhelming supported by the love of a huge numbers of

    family and friends who came to the visitation and funeral. For those who attended the visitation, it took several hours waiting

    in a long line, outside in the rain and inside the funeral home, for many hundreds to offer condolences to Rob, Bonnie,

    and Jaimie.

    The next day, the church was again filled to capacity for the funeral service with more family and friends. We are all deeply

    saddened by Jennifer’s untimely passing. We offer our

    prayers for comfort and continued support to the


    Jennifer was a 2002 graduate of Morton High School, where

    she was a member of the Madrigal Singers. She then graduated

    from Illinois Central College in December 2006, with an

    associate's degree in business. While at ICC, she was a

    member of the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Timeless Voices.

    She was a junior at Bradley University in Peoria, where she

    was majoring in marketing and sales and was a member of

    the Alpha Chi Omega sorority.

    Jennifer worked with her father at Buckman Photography in

    Morton, where she was the office and sales manager.

    She was a member of the Professional Photographers of

    America; the Associated Photographers of Illinois; and the

    Professional Photographers of Northern Illinois.


    I worked with Jennifer on the print committees of APPI and PPANI for several years.

    She was always enthusiastic about doing the work of Print Comp. Her dad, Rob was an important part of Northern serving on the board and being past president.


  • 16 Oct 2017 3:22 PM | Beth Genengels

    Thank you to our Print Comp Chair, Bruce Van Pelt for compiling the following report and congratulations to all of the winners!


    October 11, 2017      Digital Image Competition

          We had 40 entries from 7 makers. The breakdown is as follows:

    22 Portraits     12 Illustrative 0 Wedding    2 Commercial      4 Artist

    3 B&W from the above categories.

    The judges discussed many of the images as Challenges. This is where we learn the most from the judges’ opinions.

    We had 23 that scored 80 or above (President’s Award) 23/40 or 58%. 

    We had 4 that scored 85 – 89, and 1 scored above 90.

    I want to thank my great print crew: Peter Yu, John Tulipano, Maria Heineman and Beth Genengels. Thanks to Peter Yu for running the new print handling and scoring system.

    Thanks to the Judges: Kathryn Northcott, Thom Rouse and Bruce Van Pelt.


    Bruce Van Pelt, Print Chairman


    Best Commercial

    “A Dog’s Best Friend” by John Tulipano

    Best Artist

    “Whooping Crane” by Peggy Sue Seehafer 

    Best Portrait

    “Best Friends” by Peggy Sue Seehafer 

    Best Illustrative

    “Great Horned Owl” by Peggy Sue Seehafer

    Best of Show

    “Whooping Crane” by Peggy Sue Seehafer

    BVP 10/14/2017

  • 19 Sep 2017 11:12 AM | Beth Genengels

    We have so many members who merited images in the 2017 International Photographic Competition and several with Grand Imaging Awards, a Fuji award and medal recipients. 

    If you didn't realize before now how much amazing talent Northern has, take a look. I want to congratulate all of those earning the above accomplishments, but more so, I want to congratulate everyone who pushed themselves to enter! You are taking a huge step towards improving your imagery and you should be proud! 

    Keep going for the gold (ahem diamond) Northern!

  • 10 Sep 2017 7:38 AM | John Tulipano (Administrator)

    Congratulations to PPANI members Megan Drane and Peggy Sue Seehafer who are BOTH Finalists for Grand Imaging Awards!!!

    PPA is proud to announce our finalists for the Grand Imaging Awards, to be awarded January 15 in Nashville, Tennessee at Imaging USA 2018, the largest annual conference and trade show for pro photographers. 

    The Grand Imaging Award finalists have been judged to be the very best of the 2017 PPA International Photographic Competition (IPC). The Grand Imaging Award finalists were selected from 5,800 entries judged by a panel of 33 jurors. There are ten finalists in ten categories comprising the Grand Imaging Awards, and one winner from the ten categories will be named the recipient of the overall Grand Imaging Award. 

    View slideshows of the finalists at

    The Grand Imaging Award finalists are: 

    In the Animal Portrait category: Aurora DeLuca, Barbara Breitsameter (two images), Carl Caylor, Danica Barreau, Erich Caparas, Jody Miller, Michelle Garcia, Sarah Stiles and Susan Gertz. 

    In the Children's Portrait category: Brent Lewis, Cristie Reddehase, DiAnna Paulk, Felice Boucher, Kathy Wierda, Kathy Wierda, Kimberly Smith, Leslie Kitten, Louise Simone and Mariellen Youngdahl.

    In the General Portrait category: Ben Shirk, Christie Newell, Erich Caparas, Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, Jean Wall, Joseph Simone, Kent Shelton, Lauren DelVecchio, Michelle Parsley and Phaneendra Gudapati.

    In the Landscape & Nature category: Douglas Bennett, Ed Cooley, Erica Harvey, Jonathan Adams, Kimberly Smith, Laura Bennett, Mona Sadler, Robert Smith, Ryan Hellard and Trudy Evans. 

    In the Illustrative & Commercial category: Amy Feick, Andrea Joliat, Ben Shirk, David Quisenberry, Elaine Hughes, Gail Nogle, Karen Nakamura, Michelle Garcia, Michelle Parsley and Russell Jensen.

    In the High-School Senior Portrait category: Adrian Henson, Cyndi Hornsby, Ed Pedi, Gail Carver, Megan Drane, Melissa Thompson, Michelle Parsley, Salvatore Cincotta, Shana Woods and Travis Gadsby. 

    In the Wedding category: Erich Caparas, Gary Hughes, Jose Luis Guardia Vazquez, Marceliano Munoz, Mario Munoz, Maryanne Keeling, Molly Long, Ryan Higgins, Salvatore Cincotta and Tomas Munoz.

    In the Non-Event Album category: Alison Miniter, Carol Scott, Chelsea Tracy, James Chagares (two albums), Jamie Hayes, Lisa Asp, Lisa Francescon, Rob Greer and Ted Linczak.

    In the Event Album category: Allison English Watkins & Kris Doman, Cindy Dover, James Nisly & Genevieve Nisly (three albums), Larry Spencer, Marceliano Munoz, Mark Garber & Jennifer Gilman and Tomas Munoz.

    In the Artist category: Ann Murfin, Cristie Reddehase (two albums), Emme Rigby, Michelle Parsley, Nylora-Joy Bruleigh, Peggy Sue Seehafer, Richard Sturdevant and Sandra Pearce.

     Each category winner will receive a crystal award and the winner of the overall Grand Imaging Award will receive a $1000 cash prize. Last year's winner was Chicago pet photographer Barbara Breitsameter, M.Photog.Cr., CPP,  for her image "Send in the Clowns" in the General Portrait category. 

    To learn more about the Grand Imaging Awards, view previous winning images and watch the 2017 GIAs, visit  

  • 15 May 2017 8:25 PM | Beth Genengels


    May 10, 2017      Digital Image Competition

          We had 113 entries from 21 makers. The breakdown is as follows:

    77 Portraits     21 Illustrative 3 Wedding    3 Commercial      9 Artist

    21 B&W from the above categories.

    We no longer enter physical entries, but had 113 digital entries. 

    The judges discussed many of the images as Challenges. This is where we learn the most from the judges’ opinions.

    We had 67 that scored 80 or above (President’s Award) 67/113 or 59%. 

    We had 16 that scored 85 – 89, and 1 scored above 90.

    I want to thank my great print crew: Peter Yu, Megan Drane and Beth Genengels. Thanks to Peter Yu for running the new print handling and scoring system.

    Thanks to the Judges: Kathryn Northcott, Sabina Cavalli and Bruce Van Pelt.


    Bruce Van Pelt, Chairman


    Best Black & White

    “Chill Out!” by Alejandro Mimo

    Best Artist

    “Running Away” by Peggy Sue Seehafer 

    Best Portrait

    “Taking Flight” by Megan Drane

    Best Illustrative

    “For the Love of Maplethorp” by Peggy Sue Seehafer

    Best of Show

    “Taking Flight” by Megan Drane

    BVP 5/15/2017

  • 28 Feb 2017 4:07 PM | Beth Genengels


    February 8, 2017      All Day Print Competition

    We had 191 entries from 38 makers. The breakdown is as follows:

    104 Portraits

    47 Illustrative

    8 Wedding

    7 Commercial

    24 Artist

    1 Albums   -   1 Digital, 0 Books

    37 B&W from the above categories.

    We had no physical entries and 191 digital entries. We had the most entries ever and much of that came from out-of-state participants.

    The judges discussed many of the images as Challenges. This is where we learn the most from the judges’ opinions.

    We had 79 that scored 80 or above (President’s Award) 79/191 or 41%.

    We had 13 that scored 85 – 89, and 2 scored above 90.

    I want to thank my great print crew: Peter Yu, Megan Drane, Beth Genengels and John Tulipano. Thanks to Peter Yu for running the new print handling and scoring system.

    Thanks to the Judges who traveled far to help us. They are:

    Robert Hawkins (Jury Chair).

    Judges -  Amy Feick, Pete Rezac, Toni Harryman, Karen Butts, Dan Thornton and Kristy Steeves all from different states.


    Bruce Van Pelt, Chairman

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